

The latest advice about copyright claims, copyright strikes, Content ID, and rights management for YouTube creators.

Copyright music in YouTube: The image compares the monetization status of a YouTube video in the past (Then) and present (Now). In the past, the video was marked as "Ineligible" and "Video cannot be monetized". In the present, the video is monetized, displaying a dollar sign icon and the text "$20,000 Video is monetized" and a link to "Learn more". This image highlights the changes YouTube has made to help creators avoid copyright issues and successfully monetize their videos.
Avoid Copyright Music in YouTube Videos: “Erase Song” Has Your Back
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September 3, 2024
YouTube Copyright Claim: Everything You Need to Know
YouTube Copyright Claim: Everything You Need to Know
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Carla Marshall
August 29, 2023
How to avoid copyright music and how to avoid copyright strikes on YouTube - Purely decorative image
How to Avoid Copyright Music and Copyright Strikes on YouTube
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Carla Marshall
July 18, 2023
YouTube Copyright What You Need to Know about Song Covers
YouTube Copyright: What You Need to Know about Song Covers
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September 30, 2019